How can there be bad kittens? I look around at the shredded piles of toilet paper and I see only good kittens who sometimes do bad things. That said, it is pretty hard to shake the sense that Tangerine is truly a bad, bad kitten pretending at occasional goodness -- what's with all the glowing demon-eyes in the photos!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If Some is Good, then More Must be Better

Long ago, while experimenting with spaghetti sauces, I learned that some oregano really is necessary to make the sauce taste the way you want. Oregano makes a spaghetti sauce great! That day, after adding the oregano and tasting the wonderful difference, I had an idea.

If some oregano makes this sauce taste good, then a lot of oregano would probably make this sauce taste great! What a great idea!

I stirred in a tablespoon of oregano, tasted, and learned my lesson that day. I also learned that a ruined sauce really can't be saved with any amount of salt, sugar, or vinegar, even if you serve lots of wine.

Although I have learned about sauce and spices, I don't think I'll ever get past the "if some is good, then more must be better" idea.

After all, there are many things for which the law holds. $10 is good. $100 is better! One kitten is good. Two kittens are... well, there are No Bad Kittens, so two kittens are Two Good Kittens!

Today the two good kittens demonstrated one of the times when more is not better.

Last night, I took a book and a glass of wine to bed (last night's spaghetti sauce was just fine, thank-you). I fell asleep reading, and awoke in the night to kittens rough-housing all over me. I put the book up and caught the glass of wine before it spilled -- I'd hardly touched it.

I awoke in the morning and saw that I had must have had a teensy, little bit too much too drink after all, because I had thrown up a teensy, tiny little throw up way down at the foot of the bed, right on the bed spread. Or maybe one of the kittens had thrown up. Or peed. Something.

Not wanting to wash the entire bed spread just for a little round spot, I thought I would try a little spray of Folex Brand Instant Carpet Spot Remover on the spot, blot it up, and see if that took care of things. It didn't immediately, but it didn't make things worse, so I sprayed on a little more, put some paper towel over the spot, then went to work.

When I came home, I discovered that if maybe a little bit of Spot Remover on the spot gets the spot up a little, then if kittens dump the entire spray bottle on the bed, well, a lot of Folex Brand Instant Carpet Spot Remover left to its own enzyme-actioning devices all day long, will change the color of a really big area on your bed spread.

My bed spread.

Soon to be a giant cat bed.

So, all in the name of science, my kittens determined that if a few squirts of carpet spot remover works a little, it doesn't mean that a lot of it will work better.

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